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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Morgan

Labor of Love Fair | Vendor - Everyone Felt Happy, Elizabeth Bernal

We are kicking off the blog series of some of the amazing vendors of the Labor of Love Fair that will be held at the Denton Civic Center on August 25th. This fair will have tons of birth professionals and some amazing vendors that will help any new families or expecting families navigate through the sometimes overwhelming world of having a new little one. (You can read more about the fair on this blog post HERE!) I will be posting these features every Tuesday and Thursday. First up is one of the founders, Elizabeth Bernal, from Everyone Felt Happy. I love Elizabeth's custom designs and the attention to detail that she put in every single piece. I'm looking forward to having her create some custom CMP onesies for the littles that come to see me.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your journey to where you are now.

I'm a wife and mom of three. When my oldest started school I went back to school and got my masters in Criminal Justice. I also attended training to become a crime scene investigator. During that time I was a teaching assist at UNT for a professor that taught crime scene classes. I taught the undergraduate labs. It was an amazing job and I had hoped to stay on at UNT after graduation. I was pregnant with my second child and all set to go back to work after her birth, but God had other plans and little Norah was born at 31 weeks. Everything shifted and I decided to stay home with her so that I could take care of her and whatever may come our way with her having been so early. She was a bit delayed at first with motor skills and speech, but now you would never know. Then my son came and my job as a stay at home mom was solidified. My jobs now are a far cry from crime scene work, but I wouldn't trade any of it.

What led you to become a master crafter and entrepreneur?

I have always loved being creative and making fun custom things for my kids' birthday parties, Halloween costumes, and rooms. I had made some felt "hug time" bracelets for my three year old's birthday party and my sister-in-law, Sylvia, "said, "Hey, you could sell these!" and a short time later Everyone Felt Happy, LLC was born. Sylvia is the other owner and awesome at sales and I make everything we sell by hand.

Tell our readers what you’re most proud of as a company/business and what sets you apart from others.

I'm very proud that I make everything by hand. It can be very time consuming, but it's important to me that I do it that way. Every single item has a design that is hand cut and handstitched. All of my jewelry is constructed by hand as well. There are some pieces that I make multiples of, but there are many designs that there are only one of and there will not be another piece made that's exactly like it. I create using things that inspire me and often times when I start a piece I'm not quite sure where it will end up, but I love that part of the process.

What has been your biggest struggle, and how did you overcome?

I'm sure starting a new business is always a struggle and we are still finding our way. Getting our names and my creations out into the world has been a struggle, but we grab any vendor opportunity we can and try to keep a strong social media presence. We try to keep a positive outlook always and know that any struggle can be overcome.

What are you looking forward to most about the Labor of Love Fair?

I'm so looking forward to the Labor of Love Fair! I will be taking custom orders for onesies, crib mobiles, and other items. I am looking forward to helping families who have an idea for their baby's nursery or child's room that they either haven't been able to find at the store or want something very special. And of course my creations aren't just for babies and kids, I am always up for making something custom to go in any room of the house or personalize a bag or jacket for someone with a design. At the fair I will also be selling some very special necklaces for pregnant people and birth workers using Lapis Lazuli, which is also known as midwives stone. I am very much looking forward to seeing all of the other vendors and families coming together! It is going to be a very special day! Sylvia will also be at the fair, but that day she will be representing her retail store, Golden Flamant Swimwear.

How can people reach you?


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