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Photoshop   Tutorials

Listed below are a few tutorials for editing.  I currently use Photoshop CC.  I recommend Photoshop Elements for anyone just starting to learn Photoshop. You can usually download it for around $100.  It has everything you need if you are just learning, and is a noncommittal way to test it out before investing in the yearly subscription.  It is also a little less overwhelming for those just starting to learn.  You can download free month trials from the Adobe website to see what version works best for you.  


If you have anything you would like to see demonstrated, please feel free to send me a message. I will update and add tutorials as I have the time to make more.  Happy editing!


UPDATE:  I recently upgraded to Photoshop CC, and will updating and posting more tutorials using CC.  However, I still recommend Elements for anyone starting out, and will leave the Photoshop Elements tutorials up for anyone anyone who needs them.  

You can also check out my "How to" videos and product reviews by clicking HERE.

Easy Blanket

Fade Tutorial

An easy way to get that perfectly creamy blanket fade.

Quick and Easy

Photoshop Tutorials

Here are a couple of my favorite quick and easy tutorials that will save you so much post processing time!

Before & After Edit

A look at how we create more impactful artwork from an ordinary portrait. 

The Secret

Magic of Levels

Learn a few simple tricks to using a levels layer to adjust exposure and brightness of an image.

Liquify Tool

How I use the liquify tool to help me achieve a more rounded 

potato sack pose.

Watermark Brush

How to create a brush in Photoshop to use as a watermark on your images.

Photoshop Elements

A work-around for Elements users who want to use the frequency separation method.  Photoshop CC users can also follow this method if you do not have an action.

Photoshop Quick Edit

Sometimes those little ones move and squirm before we can perfect the shot.  Knowing how to use photoshop is crucial in helping get your image where you want it.  Here is a quick edit on one such image.

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